The Undertaker is my 2nd favorite wrestler here is a picture!

Yo happy thanksgiving to all of you,
This horrible gastation (not saying any names) Told all the customers that the only gas tank working was PLUS! So when a man did not know what they said he took the bag that was on the REGULAR tank off and used it! There was still gas in it as a matter of fact it was full of gas!!! So the news trucks came and it was told to everyone around the world!
The Devinci code says that in 2014 Florida will be flooded and in 2017 a meteor will hit the earth! Now my opinion is, Nobody can tell the future! Nobody is a psycho ! So do not beleive this it will not happen!
All star basketball player Shaq gets paid 1 million on last check! After his beutiful blocking/dunking record he gets it all!
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One day there were 3 trees. the 1st tree wanted to be carved into a treasure chest. The second tree wanted to be carved into a big beutiful sailing boat. And the third tree wanted to be the tallest tree so that he would piont up to heaven. Then one day three tree cutters came and cut down all three trees. The first tree was carved into a animal feeder. He was no beutiful chest just a animal feeder. The second tree was carved into a small boat not used for sailing. The third tree was carved into a cross. Then one day a woman named Mary gave birth to a child in the animal feeder (tree #1) she named the boy Jesus. Another day the second tree was took for a ride in the ocean during a very big storm. The driver of the boat said "stop"! And every rain drop stopped and the ocean stood flat! Another day the third tree that was made into a cross was used to hold a man which would get killed... The person that all three of these trees were used for was Jesus Christ. the first tree was held something better then jewelry,coins, and gold all together! It held Jesus. The driver of the second tree (boat) was Jesus! And the third tree held the Man Jesus! So everytime someone looked at the third tree it would remind us of heaven and Jesus!
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